Thursday, August 26, 2010

Tana's Birthday

Tana's day

Tana got a big pancake for breakfast! YUM!

Playing with his Legos that he bought with his birthday money.

Gotta love Pizza Hut!

Sorry another sideways pic, but look at that pizza!

We only had two pieces left!

I think he had a fun birthday!

Ready for School!

Tavita always wants to go to school, so Masina got him ready, he got a backpack, and they "went to school." He was disappointed it wasn't real school cause Masina had him convinced he was really going to school so when he said they would miss the bus and he headed for the door and she took him in his crib, he was confused. But I think he had fun at "school" since there were snacks!

Lio's Wedding

My uncle had a wedding a little bit ago and I was a bridesmaid in it! It was exciting. Before the wedding started when everyone was preparing everything something funny happened. My mom she was holding Tavita and we were next to the wedding cake and she set him down. He ran around her, stuck his finger out, and poked the cake. It was funny and my mom got soooooooo mad! Ah, good stuff!

Back to School

Summer went by way too fast. School's about to start and I'm not that excited. 7th grade will be different. I don't have any classes with Taylor! :(